Saturday, August 16, 2014


Lots and lots of musings...

I have had to change my plans on when to return to the seminary.  I had planned on Thursday the 21st, but now I have to return on Tuesday the 19th.  The Vocation Office has realized that the only picture that they have of me is in a suit taken in September 2011.  They don't want to use that for the poster since I will be a 4th Theology seminarian this year (top row? maybe!)  Since the photographer is only available on the 19th and 20th, I have to be back in Boston by then. The joys of living in Maine but studying for Boston.

This is not a crisis since I am also the co-lead for the Orientation of the new men this year.  They arrive on Saturday the 23rd.  As co-lead, I am half responsible for assembling the orientation manuals for the new men.  I have about half of the material I need, the rest is in the hands of the faculty and staff there.  I just need to get copies into my hands and start photocopying and assembling manuals.  That has not worked out well via email.  It should work better if I stand in their doorways.

I have been preparing my family for this moment for some time, but when I leave Maine this time, it ends the periods of long vacations here.  This was my last summer vacation with them (2 weeks before assignment and 4 weeks after).  I'll be home for Thanksgiving, Christmas (last time I'll be free on Christmas) and then the spring breaks.  After ordination, my time with family will be much rarer.  They understand this on one level, but I don't think they understand the impact on them.  When I am here, I cook, clean, run errands, coordinate the nightly movies, answer 1000 questions, maintain the condo they live in.  (this summer, new pantry, heating system refurbishment, new living room windows, etc.) There will be less of that as well as less of my presence.

It will be good to get back to the seminary just so that I can get a break from those chores.  I work harder physically at the condo in Maine than I do at my assignments or at the seminary.

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