Friday, October 28, 2011

Artwork? We got your artwork...

We have a large collection of artwork here at the Seminary.  99% of the pieces are prints, but we do have a couple of originals by seminarians. 

Why do I mention this?  I know next to nothing about fine art.  So with the help of a second year theologian who is quite the accomplished painter, I'm learning.  The way I am learning is to take a picture, research the art and create a label for it with Title, Artist, Date created, Medium and Size, and Current Location of the Original. As an Example:

Title: Return of the Prodigal Son
Artist: Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn
Date: circa 1667
Medium: Oil on canvas (262 x 205 cm) 
Current Location: The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

This would not be as easy as it is without the Google App for my phone.  Just point it at a painting and shoot a picture.  Google checks its database of images and find likely matches.  I investigate to find the real match and then dig to get the correct details.

What do we have?  Prints of El Greco , Fra Angelico, Dali, Rembrant, Raphael and more icons than I can name here.  I'm learning something and it benefits the whole seminary. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Musings and Mid-Terms

We are right in the middle of midterm exams.  One down (no grade yet), two to do.  We also have papers due in classes, so the time is busy.  

I've been managing to keep some semblance of my resolutions in place.  The prayer time has been most consistent.  The exercise has been much better and I even get to practice the organ once or twice a week now.  I can do better on these and I keep trying to be better.  Time will tell.

I did step away from the Seminary to visit a Cursillo retreat.  I had hoped to sing at the Mass, but it was a new location and by the time I found the correct room, it was time for communion.  Ah well, I still saw some friends and went out to lunch with them.  That was a welcome diversion from studies.

If you'd like to see my (smiling?) face, and the rest of my brothers in the class of 2015, look here

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Post Retreat Reflections

Well, I've had a few days to reflect on the retreat.  Let me tackle the mundane and bad news first.

After the retreat I went to Maine to continue the unpacking process.  I got dispensation from the Dean of Students to go to Mass in Maine rather than the Seminary on Sunday, so I had Friday afternoon, all of Saturday and most of Sunday in Maine.  I did succeed in getting all but 2 of the boxes cleared from the Den and Kitchen.  So it looks like Dad can now move into the condo.   I still have some sorting and putting away to do in my room, but that will not bother anyone else in their rooms.

The silence of the retreat was good for one seminarian but bad for the rest of us.  He has decided to leave the seminary and go back to his job and his avocation of helping people on the streets.  We are happy for him, but sad that he is leaving.

So, where am I post-retreat?  One question we were asked to contemplate was, "Are you doing the will of God?" After spending quite a bit of time on reflection on this, I believe the macro answer is "Yes".  I had no plan on attending the seminary.  God led me here.  On the other hand, the micro answer is "No".  I am sure God did not plan on me stressing out over my studies, so I have a new plan.  After lunch, 30 extra minutes in the chapel, then 30 minutes practicing the organ, then hop on the treadmill.  By 3:00 I can get back to studying after a good break doing other important tasks.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I'm posting off my usual schedule again, and for a good reason.  I will not be online for the next week.  The First Theology class is leaving for retreat on Sunday afternoon.  We are heading to a local retreat house for a 5 day silent retreat.  We will only speak at Mass and daily prayer, to our spiritual directors and have only limited conversation at meals.  The plan is to have time to speak with God and silence is the best path to that conversation.  The days are filled with Morning and Evening Prayer, talks by the spiritual directors, Mass, and lots of time to think and pray.

It will be nice to step out of the routine and busy life of the Seminary for a week.  After the 5 day retreat, I have permission to take a  2 day weekend in Maine to assist my family with the move in process going on there.  I hope to report back after the 16th with an update on my retreat and the progress of the move to Maine.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Mea Culpa

My apologies to those who have sent private messages or called.  Yes, I am feeling much better.  The vertigo spell was quite intense, and I've still been taking a daily Bonine to help with the after effects, but all in all I am doing well.

I cantored at Mass on Sunday for my community here at Blessed John (first time cantoring here).  It went pretty well.  I am positive I messed up the words, but everyone here is too polite to mention that.  It was the first time they have heard my singing voice.  It is not as dramatic as Jim Nabors difference, but it was different enough that I got several comments about my voice.  God gave it to me, I give it back.

My family is dealing with the movers dropping 50+ boxes and my furniture on my little condo in Maine.  I hope to be up there Wednesday evening and Thursday to unpack a lot of it and give them some more breathing room.   They are so patient with me.