Sunday, April 6, 2014

A letter to St. Catherine's Music Ministry

In July of 1984, two music ministers who were looking for inspiration attended the NPM convention in Rochester, NY.  They heard many fresh new ideas and realized that those ideas would never be accepted at their parish in Ayer.  At that same convention, they met two other musicians  from Westford who invited them to come and sing at their parish.  A few months later, in September, we joined the music program at St. Catherine’s. 
If we fast forward to 2014, there are many changes that have occurred.  Music directors have changed, organs have changed, the church buildings have changed, musicians have come and gone, and some musicians have died.  One of those deaths has opened up new paths for me.  When Carmen died, I was devastated, but you supported me and God provides. 
For 30 years now, I have been involved with the music program at St. Catherine’s and now it is time to close this book as well.  Very soon after Easter, I will start my last summer assignment for the seminary. Fall of 2014 and spring of 2015 will find me at my new parish every weekend with no opportunity to return to play on Saturday nights.  This Triduum and Easter morning will mostly likely be the last times that I sing and play with the musicians at St. Catherine’s.
I cannot describe the mixed feelings that I have.  30 years is a long time and St. Catherine’s has been a huge part of my Catholic life.  I will miss playing and singing with you all more than I can describe.  But I have a new road to travel now.  It will have its own joys and rewards.  I am excited to be almost ready to embark on that road after my final year in the seminary and priestly ordination in 2015, God willing!
Know that I will always pray for you.  Please keep raising your voices in song to our Lord.  You do it so well.  I can only hope that the next music program that I work with will be as good as this one has been.

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