Monday, July 22, 2013

Reflection for Tuesday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time

July 23rd Reflection 

Ex 14:21—15:1, Ex 15:8-9, 10 and 12, 17, Mt 12:46-50


Moses stretched out his hand and God parted the sea, creating a path for Israel to escape.  Moses stretched out his hand again and the waters flowed back, saving the Israelites and dooming the Egyptians.  Jesus stretched out His hand and changes the definition of mother and brothers.  There seems to be something special and powerful about stretching out a hand.  


Of the 71 times that somebody stretched out a hand in the Bible, this time by Jesus may be the most profound. He says, “Whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother.” With these words, Jesus brings us into the adopted family of God.  


That adoption by God brings great responsibility.  If we are to follows God’s will then we must also stretch out our hands. Not necessarily to do great things, but to reach out to help our fellow man.


Christ no longer has a physical presence in this world. We are the hands of Christ, the voice of Christ, the heart of Christ in the world today.  Let us stretch out our hands, voices and hearts to bring Christ to everyone we meet.

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