Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Post Retreat Reflections

Well, I've had a few days to reflect on the retreat.  Let me tackle the mundane and bad news first.

After the retreat I went to Maine to continue the unpacking process.  I got dispensation from the Dean of Students to go to Mass in Maine rather than the Seminary on Sunday, so I had Friday afternoon, all of Saturday and most of Sunday in Maine.  I did succeed in getting all but 2 of the boxes cleared from the Den and Kitchen.  So it looks like Dad can now move into the condo.   I still have some sorting and putting away to do in my room, but that will not bother anyone else in their rooms.

The silence of the retreat was good for one seminarian but bad for the rest of us.  He has decided to leave the seminary and go back to his job and his avocation of helping people on the streets.  We are happy for him, but sad that he is leaving.

So, where am I post-retreat?  One question we were asked to contemplate was, "Are you doing the will of God?" After spending quite a bit of time on reflection on this, I believe the macro answer is "Yes".  I had no plan on attending the seminary.  God led me here.  On the other hand, the micro answer is "No".  I am sure God did not plan on me stressing out over my studies, so I have a new plan.  After lunch, 30 extra minutes in the chapel, then 30 minutes practicing the organ, then hop on the treadmill.  By 3:00 I can get back to studying after a good break doing other important tasks.

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