Saturday, November 6, 2010

Spiritual Autobiography - Part 4 - Outlook on Life

I guess my philosophy of life is this: Take each day as it comes. Try to do a little good where you can. I try to remember my wife’s wisdom: There are no bad days, just bad moments.

I’m a pretty good organist and a poor pianist. I’ve been told that I am an excellent public speaker (Thanks Toastmasters). I’m not a brilliant conversationalist, but I’m a pretty good listener. I am very good at organizing and starting activities, but then step back to let others run with them.

Exercise and I are not the best of friends. I exercise because I must to keep my Type 2 diabetes (my only significant health issue) under control. Most of my exercise is brisk walking either outside or on my treadmill. I walk with neighbors if our schedules allow.

My free time will find me puttering around the house, playing games, browsing the internet or exchanging online correspondence on the computer. I’m a voracious reader splitting my reading between Christian books and science fiction. I do also watch TV and movies and playing the organ/piano. I have a lot of interests and spread my time among them.

I’m pretty easy going and don’t get anxious too often. When I do, it’s when a new pain or sensation makes me ponder my mortality. I’ve found that the Jesus Prayer helps me through this when it happens.

I think people describe me as stoic, easy going, reserved, or multidimensional depending on how well they know me. I do know that I have a dry sense of humor and people don’t always get my jokes. My friends do tell me that I have an easy smile.

I find that I really look forward to two completely different things. I really anticipate my trips to Disneyworld. I love the feel of the place, the enthusiasm, the “let’s all have some fun” attitude there. I love teaching Adult Education at church, leading and being on team at prison retreats and Cursillos.

The most significant emotional event in my life was the loss of my friend and wife of 30 years in December 2009. While we knew it was coming as she battled a disease for 11 years, it was still a blow. I miss her more than I can describe.

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