Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Divine Office

One of the things I (re)learned on the vocation retreat was The Divine Office.  In the back of my mind I knew that deacons and priests prayed this every day.  We did it in the chapel together on the retreat.

I have the books, why not try it?  Well, as they said on the retreat, "Ask 4 seminarians and you'll get 4 different sets of prayers shat should be said today."  Shorter Christian Prayer is a bit confusing.  But I found a way that works even better for me.  Reading it to myself leaves me without a tangible communitiy.

The Divine Office for iPod App is wonderful for me.  They pray the Morning Prayer on my morning commute and the Evening Prayer on my evening commute.  I say the responses as I can as I am driving.  Sure, some mornings I cannot remember a thing  I heard, but most of the time it's a great experience.  Some days, I have my book in hand in my living room and read along, but most of the time I just listen and respond.  The Invitatory, Office of Readings,  Midday prayer (text only) and Night Prayer are also available to me when I can get them in.

For those without an iPod (iPhone, iWhatever), just go to


  1. Chris,
    I have informally learned the Divine Office. by listening to the below podcast. I don't think I have the official times just right, but i listen (and respond) to the Office of Readings on my way to work. Shortly after arriving I listen to Morning Reading. At Lunch I listen to the Daytime prayer at lunch, and evening prayer just before I leave for home. Nighttime prayer is either on my way home or later, closer to bedtime. Its been very helpful to me.

    or on SQPN which has several Catholic podcasts

  2. Good resources to have, thanks. I know there is an eBrevery app for the iPod as well. One of the seminarians I know was using it.


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