Last night, I visited the local prison where I used to volunteer on a regular basis. It was their annual Christmas party. The party kicks off with the usual Tuesday communion service. Now, there are a couple of people who always assist at the communion service. They were both in the room last night.
At Communion time, the inmate running the service gives the consecrated host to one of the usual people and then calls my name. I look up and see that he is motioning me to come up to assist with Communion. I go, receive and begin to distribute the Body of Christ. When the service is over, I go back to my seat to pray and reflect. After the service, I asked the inmate, "Why did you ask me today?". He said, "I don't know, I just had a feeling."
He did not know that I had just been instituted as an Acolyte and Eucharistic Minister. He just picked my name out of the air. So, my first time EVER distributing the Body of Christ was a mere coincidence. (Remember, I'm the organist, I've never been an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist.) I don't believe in that kind of coincidence any more than you do. It was truly a God moment.
Love those God-incidences! Prayers for you!