Saturday, November 5, 2011


A freak October snowstorm took out the power throughout much of New England.  The tree branches still full of leaves did not have much of a  chance against the wet heavy snow.  It's a week later and there are still thousands without power here in Massachusetts alone.

At the seminary, we lost power for 60 hours. That was just over 2 and 1/2 days.  We have an emergency generator, so we have some hallway, chapel and dining lights.  The kitchen has enough power to provide sustenance.  We had hot water and after some quick thinking by our maintenance guy, heat.  Classes, Masses and prayer times continued. 

So why was there so much grumbling about it?  (myself included)  We talked about that in the hallways as well.  Perhaps we are just too comfortable with our conveniences.  The TV, internet, lights just were not there.  The professors made allowances, so that was not the frustration.  Perhaps we're all just a bit spoiled by our technology.  We were clean, warm and fed.  Why were we unhappy?  Something for me to ponder in my prayer life.  Even after the power came back on, cable was still out for a day or so.  more grumbling...

On Tuesday, the power came back on and the 2nd year men were installed as Ministers of Reader.  The first year men (us) were servers for dinner.  After supper was complete, I went to bed for 3 days with a 3 degree fever.  My brothers came in 3 times a day with meals and to check on me.  I am so blessed and thankful for their support.  I am also thankful  that cable came back on to "entertain me" while I was down.  There it is again, technology at our beck and call.  More food for thought in my prayer life.

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