Thursday, January 30, 2014


Candidacy is a rite which takes place during Roman Catholic seminary formation, by which the Church recognizes the seminarian as worthy of being ordained (hence, they become a "candidate" for ordination to the priesthood). Permanent and transitional deacons in the Roman Catholic Church also go through Candidacy or being recognized as worthy of being ordained just before their ordination as permanent or transitional deacons.

This week, the faculty here at Blessed John voted and recommended me for candidacy.  The rector will be sending his recommendation letter along with my formal written request for candidacy to our Cardinal.  If the Cardinal agrees, I will receive a letter back inviting me to Candidacy.

We celebrate the Candidacy Mass here on 2/25 this year.  I hope to have a letter in hand by then.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Class of 2014 Diaconate Ordination

At this moment, Seán Cardinal O'Malley is preaching the homily for the Transitional Diaconate Ordination here in Boston.  Five men from our own Blessed John National Seminary are joined by four other men from two other Boston based seminaries to be ordained.  I am laid up in my dorm room with a bum knee and a bad bug, but nonetheless have a wonderful view of the Mass on CatholicTV.  I have seen most of our priests in the procession, many members of our schola in the choir, and all of our transitional deacons from around the nation in procession.

In about four months, these same nine men will be ordained as priests, also at the Cathedral in Boston.

God willing, on January 17th, 2015; I will be standing where they are today

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Courses for Spring Semester 2014

In order of scheduled first class....

Sexual Ethics
Pauline Letters
Death, Dying and Bereavement (Elective)
Liturgical Practicum
Canon Law

and of course my Pastoral Assignment on Sundays

It looks to be a reading intensive semester....

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1st, 2014

I hope that this post reads more positive than last year's January 1st post.

As I reflect on today, January 1st, 2014; I have completed more than half of my journey to priesthood. In less than 18 months, God willing, I will be ordained a priest.

Fall 2011 - Entered Seminary - Instituted as Acolyte
Spring 2012 - Completed First Year
Summer 2012 - Milton Assignment
Fall 2012 - Instituted as Reader - Franklin Assignment
Spring 2013 - Continue Franklin Assignment - Complete Second Year
Summer 2013 - Summer Assignment - Hull
Fall 2013 - Begin Third Year - Pastoral Assignment - Cape Ann

Coming Up:
Spring 2014 - Continue Pastoral Assignment 2 Cape Ann & Complete Third Year
Summer 2014 - Summer Assignment TBD
Fall 2014 - Begin Fourth Year - Pastoral Assignment TBD

*January 2015 - Deacon Ordination in Boston
Spring 2015 - Continue Pastoral Assignment - Complete Fourth Year
May 2015 - Ordination as Priest

If the seminary is a flight of stairs with eight steps on it, I am on the 5th step. I have 3 steps to go. It feels like a lot left.  Fortunately, I feel like I have a lot to learn still, so I guess that is a good match.

 * I know that some of you heard the same rumor that I did.  The one that said Boston was moving the Deacon ordination date to the summer of 3rd year like almost every other diocese in the U.S.  It was discussed, our seminary was ready to do it, the other seminaries in Boston were not ready to do it.