Friday, May 31, 2013

Marian night of Prayer

Our speaker for the night was Rev. Michael Sevigny, a Capuchin Franciscan for 43 years and a priest for 33, the head of the new order, based at a former convent on the grounds of Immaculate Conception church in Weymouth.

The new Order “Apostles of Peace” is a Marian Community of men and women in formation under the guidance of the Archdiocese of Boston. It is a community of both contemplation and action. Their spirituality is focused on the Charism of Eucharistic Adoration and Peace. 
There was singing, adoration, the rosary, and a brief talk.  I would go again, given the chance.  

Monday, May 27, 2013

Summer Assignment

I moved into the rectory in Hull for my summer assignment yesterday.  For my first day, it was a chance to meet Fr. Joe again and go over a few things together.

This morning I read at the 7:00 Mass at the Hull cemetery.  I met several parishioners there and will see more at 10:00 at the town memorial service.

The lousy weather has finally broken.  It is warm and sunny, good beach weather.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

and the crazy travel begins

The next couple of weeks are going to involve a bit of back and forth between Maine and Massachusetts.

Tomorrow (Sunday), I head back to the seminary to help at the annual golf tournament.  I'll be back in Maine on Tuesday.

On Friday, the 24th, I head for Massachusetts for 1) Priestly ordinations of two men I know on Saturday, 2) Mass of Thanksgiving for one of those men on Sunday, and 3) moving into Hull for my summer assignment on Sunday.

I will be at Hull for two weeks until other events bring me back to Maine for about a week starting on June 7th. When I return to Hull on June 16th, I am only there for 2 days before heading out to the Boston Seminarians retreat for 3 days. 

Finally, I can settle in at Hull for the rest of June and July, but what a back and forth start to my summer assignment.  Please pray for safe driving for me on the roads.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Home in Maine

I'm back in Maine for two weeks, more or less.  Lots of little projects to take care of around the condo and some personal projects I've been wanting to get into but did not have time at the Seminary.
What you say? The Great Courses lectures in famous artwork and better photography, a labeling project for the seminary and several books are waiting for my attention.  We shall see which one(s) gets my attention during this break.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Second Year is complete

Wow, I'm half done with my studies at Blessed John XXIII National Seminary. Two years complete, two more years to go, God willing.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Classes are over...

...But finals are now in their full glory. 

I have 4 finals this year.  Two are written papers and due to the great kindness of our professors giving those assignment to us early, they are both done and turned in.

So I can concentrate on the 2 other finals.  One, on Wednesday is Catholic Spiritual Traditions.  It is a double test.  First from 9-10 is the last 1/3 of the class.  If it hold true to form, it will be some matching, some put in chronological order and seven 100 word essays.  Then we get the final from 10-11, it is a writing exercise of no more than 800 words on the history of Spirituality from an ascetic or mystic viewpoint. We can bring a 3x5 card for that and turn it in with the exam.

Thursday @ 11:15, I have 10 minutes with the professor for an oral final in Liturgy.  I hope that I have been studying the right answers to the questions he will be posing to me.

In all case, lots of study and prayer between now and Thursday.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Pastoral Assignments

I have completed my second year pastoral assignment in Franklin.  It was truly a learning experience for me. I visited many home bound people and learned much from them and from my supervisor.

We celebrated the end of the pastoral year with Evening Prayer and a festive dinner to honor our supervisors.  Many of them were able to be with us and it was a pleasant evening.

In less than a month, I will be moving on to my summer assignment in Hull, Massachusetts.  I met with my supervisor on Sunday for two hours and again last night at the dinner.  He is a graduate of Blessed John, so we already have a connection.  I expect it to be another learning experience this summer.