I spent last night in adoration and then studying for our first period exam in Catholic Spiritual Traditions. This exam is all about remembering lots of details and this old, slow brain does not do that well, so lots of prayer and lots of repetition are the only ways I know to pass this exam.
Today, Morning prayer, exam, and a double class of Liturgy, then Mass. After lunch, I am taking three of my brothers to the airport. Later this afternoon, I have a meeting with my Academic Adviser. Finally, after dinner, I'll head up to Westford to be ready for my Triduum duties there starting tomorrow. Lent ends with the start of Holy Thursday services tomorrow.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, last year at this time, I was somewhat perturbed that I was not being used as a Seminarian for the Triduum. This year, through God's grace, I have the gift of spiritual indifference. I don't care how my talents are used, I don't need to be in an alb and on the altar. Just use me Lord.
As far as I know, I am leading Morning Prayer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I am playing the organ for the Thursday and Saturday. I am singing with the choir on Friday. I am intoning the "Behold the wood of the cross..." on Friday. I am lighting the bonfire on Holy Saturday. That's enough for me. If I get asked to add or drop something, that is OK too.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Tuesday of Holy Week
Had a dizzy moment in class yesterday. I decided to be smart and took some meds and went to bed for a while. It has been developing for the last week or so and this weekend was full of running around. Hope that I stopped it from getting any worse. It got better in the afternoon, so I got some study time in for the exam on Wednesday. My head feels OK this morning after a good night's sleep.
Today, we have morning prayer at Mass then we head out for assignments. I'll be driving today and for the rest of the year because my partner has a bad knee after a skiing accident. Just call us Dizzy and Gimpy. Tonight, adoration is definitely on my schedule. I need some help with my dizziness and tomorrow's exam.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, we just had spring break at the beginning of the month, but the word in the hallways is that we need another break bad. On Wednesdays, after classes, Easter break starts. For most of us, it is a time of travel, participation in the Triduum and then a week of rest.
Today, we have morning prayer at Mass then we head out for assignments. I'll be driving today and for the rest of the year because my partner has a bad knee after a skiing accident. Just call us Dizzy and Gimpy. Tonight, adoration is definitely on my schedule. I need some help with my dizziness and tomorrow's exam.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, we just had spring break at the beginning of the month, but the word in the hallways is that we need another break bad. On Wednesdays, after classes, Easter break starts. For most of us, it is a time of travel, participation in the Triduum and then a week of rest.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Monday of Holy Week
The Saturday evening event with the Knights was wonderful. I had a great time as they wined and dined me. The priests at that parish could not have been more welcoming to me. The members of the parish were very supportive as well. Sunday was study time and then a trip to Westford for a Triduum music rehearsal. The three papers are complete and the last will be turned in today.
A pretty normal Monday for us here at the seminary. I play for Morning Prayer, have three classes then lunch. Evening Prayer and Mass start at 4:30. The only item on the open time agenda today is to study for an exam on Wednesday.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, it was a bit jarring, but when I attended Mass on Saturday night with the Knights, I heard this at the prayers of the faithful, "For Chris Lowe, who is studying to be a priest, that he may have the courage of the cross and the joy of the resurrection. We pray to the Lord."
Wow, just wow. God is good (all the time)
A pretty normal Monday for us here at the seminary. I play for Morning Prayer, have three classes then lunch. Evening Prayer and Mass start at 4:30. The only item on the open time agenda today is to study for an exam on Wednesday.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, it was a bit jarring, but when I attended Mass on Saturday night with the Knights, I heard this at the prayers of the faithful, "For Chris Lowe, who is studying to be a priest, that he may have the courage of the cross and the joy of the resurrection. We pray to the Lord."
Wow, just wow. God is good (all the time)
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent
I play for Morning Prayer, have three classes and play for Mass this morning. I meet with Fr. A. at 3:00 about my summer assignment (won't get the assignment, just talking about toolbox gaps). Tonight I head up to Townsend to meet the Knights council that has adopted me. They're having a special annual dinner and I've been invited.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, thank God for the Knights. They do so much that is unknown by many. They are very supportive of the seminarians here at Blessed John. My own parish's council was not doing anything material for me, so this other council stepped up and paid for my books this year. That was a very nice little influx of money to this penny counting seminarian.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, thank God for the Knights. They do so much that is unknown by many. They are very supportive of the seminarians here at Blessed John. My own parish's council was not doing anything material for me, so this other council stepped up and paid for my books this year. That was a very nice little influx of money to this penny counting seminarian.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent
The shoulder is better, according to the doctor. I have some strengthening exercises for the next month, but he does not expect me to come back at the end of that time. At the dentist, the filling was removed and replaced successfully. The midterm is in final draft mode. The last paper is 2/3s complete.
A typical Friday with a twist today. Morning Prayer and Classes with Mass this morning. I hope to get on the treadmill this afternoon amidst some errands. At 4:00, the Boston seminarians head for the Cathedral for prayer and dinner with the Cardinal. We typically do this 4 times a year.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, God has granted me a pretty good gift of time management. I seldom wait until the last second to start working on something. Sometimes, it is close to the deadline before it is completed. I am the keeper of the class schedule, reminding my brothers that we have upcoming deadlines.
A typical Friday with a twist today. Morning Prayer and Classes with Mass this morning. I hope to get on the treadmill this afternoon amidst some errands. At 4:00, the Boston seminarians head for the Cathedral for prayer and dinner with the Cardinal. We typically do this 4 times a year.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, God has granted me a pretty good gift of time management. I seldom wait until the last second to start working on something. Sometimes, it is close to the deadline before it is completed. I am the keeper of the class schedule, reminding my brothers that we have upcoming deadlines.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent
Our day off. I have a followup doctor's appointment this morning for my shoulder (should be done and released today). This afternoon I have a followup with my dentist to replace an old filling that has developed a problem. The rest of the day will be working on papers and studying for an upcoming exam.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, thank God for insurance. The seminary does not provide the best coverage in the world, but it is better than nothing. I am reminded of this every time I go to the dentist and have to pay the bill myself. I pay a simple copay for the orthopedic surgeon. It is a huge difference.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, thank God for insurance. The seminary does not provide the best coverage in the world, but it is better than nothing. I am reminded of this every time I go to the dentist and have to pay the bill myself. I pay a simple copay for the orthopedic surgeon. It is a huge difference.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent
My exegesis is complete and I am pretty happy with it. I made a good dent in my midterm and final paper in two other classes. I should start studying for my exam today since it takes place one week from today.
Morning prayer, three classes, and Mass this morning. This afternoon is open after our house committee meetings. This evening is our St. Patrick's day diner and social with entertainment from my seminary brothers.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, I am a type 2 diabetic. Keeping track of where my insulin is , how much I have with me and in storage is part of my daily life. It is a pain in the butt, but it keeps me alive with fewer side effects. Thank God for insulin and all the other drugs that help control diabetes.
Morning prayer, three classes, and Mass this morning. This afternoon is open after our house committee meetings. This evening is our St. Patrick's day diner and social with entertainment from my seminary brothers.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, I am a type 2 diabetic. Keeping track of where my insulin is , how much I have with me and in storage is part of my daily life. It is a pain in the butt, but it keeps me alive with fewer side effects. Thank God for insulin and all the other drugs that help control diabetes.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent
We had guests at Mass last night. A Latino group came to Mass and played the music for us. It was most enjoyable and not the normal organ music we get at Mass. I completed my exegesis paper and study guide for an exam last night. Still have a take home midterm and another paper pending.
I am scheduled for a pastoral assignment today. The weather is iffy, and everyone that I have spoken to in my class has already cancelled, so I am as well. This makes today an unexpected free day. Well not really. We just got our final paper assignment and our midterm in the mail, so there is plenty to work on today.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, The chapel before (left) and after (right) renovation pictures. Thanks to the alumni of Blessed John for making this renovation possible.

I am scheduled for a pastoral assignment today. The weather is iffy, and everyone that I have spoken to in my class has already cancelled, so I am as well. This makes today an unexpected free day. Well not really. We just got our final paper assignment and our midterm in the mail, so there is plenty to work on today.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, The chapel before (left) and after (right) renovation pictures. Thanks to the alumni of Blessed John for making this renovation possible.

Monday, March 18, 2013
Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent
Got some good time in yesterday on my exegesis paper and preparation for one of two upcoming tests.
Today, I play the organ for morning prayer, we have three classes, I meet with my spiritual director and we have evening prayer and Mass this evening.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one,the seminary is a safe place for us for our four year journey. In fact, it could be called ship that we travel on for four years. And here is the best evidence of that, a picture of our chapel from the outside. It looks like the bow of a ship, right?
Today, I play the organ for morning prayer, we have three classes, I meet with my spiritual director and we have evening prayer and Mass this evening.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one,the seminary is a safe place for us for our four year journey. In fact, it could be called ship that we travel on for four years. And here is the best evidence of that, a picture of our chapel from the outside. It looks like the bow of a ship, right?
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Did a couple hours of reading and prep for upcoming classes last night.
Today, play for morning prayer, classes, play for Mass, drive to Westford for rehearsal for Triduum, dinner with friends.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, (and my last picture of my vacation). God places so many blessing in front of us, but if we're not looking, we don't see them. That vine, it's not a vine. It is the performer Devine. Thanks God for all the blessing he pours out on us that we just don't recognize or acknowledge.
Today, play for morning prayer, classes, play for Mass, drive to Westford for rehearsal for Triduum, dinner with friends.
Like this one, (and my last picture of my vacation). God places so many blessing in front of us, but if we're not looking, we don't see them. That vine, it's not a vine. It is the performer Devine. Thanks God for all the blessing he pours out on us that we just don't recognize or acknowledge.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Worked for 2 hours yesterday on my exegesis paper and readings for today's classes. I feel like I made some good progress there.
We are hosting some inquirers today in our annual Vocation Days Weekend, postponed from February due to a snowstorm. I am thurifer at a Mass celebrated by one of our local Bishops.
A typical Friday here, morning prayer, a full day of classes, Mass, evening prayer with Stations of the Cross today.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, A classmate gave an oral exegesis on a passage from Isaiah a couple of weeks ago. He used this image of the woman caught in adultery. Thank God for the blessing of His forgiveness, His Love, His mercy for each of us.
We are hosting some inquirers today in our annual Vocation Days Weekend, postponed from February due to a snowstorm. I am thurifer at a Mass celebrated by one of our local Bishops.
A typical Friday here, morning prayer, a full day of classes, Mass, evening prayer with Stations of the Cross today.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, A classmate gave an oral exegesis on a passage from Isaiah a couple of weeks ago. He used this image of the woman caught in adultery. Thank God for the blessing of His forgiveness, His Love, His mercy for each of us.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent
A New Pope, a Jesuit, a non-curia Cardinal, a South American. Pope Francis. The Holy Spirit spoke, only time will tell what the message was.
Got some prep time in for an upcoming exam yesterday. Also did some reading for Friday and Saturday. Today is our day off. I have a dentist appointment this morning. I hope to get a little time in on a take home midterm or a paper this afternoon/evening as well. There is always more reading for Friday and Saturday as well.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, I'm treasuring a memory of Carmen. She would have loved this topiary of her favorite character, Tinkerbell outside the butterfly garden in Epcot
Got some prep time in for an upcoming exam yesterday. Also did some reading for Friday and Saturday. Today is our day off. I have a dentist appointment this morning. I hope to get a little time in on a take home midterm or a paper this afternoon/evening as well. There is always more reading for Friday and Saturday as well.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, I'm treasuring a memory of Carmen. She would have loved this topiary of her favorite character, Tinkerbell outside the butterfly garden in Epcot
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Morning prayer, 3 classes and Mass this morning. I am serving as reader for Mass today. After Mass, lunch, a spiritual directors conference and then 24 hour adoration. I have the 10-11 P.M. slot with another brother.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, how about a guaranteed tear in my eye every time that I hear the opening notes of the Lion King theme. I don't know what it is, but it always happens. It happens during the opening of the Festival of the Lion King show at Disney as well (though this shot is from the finale).
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, how about a guaranteed tear in my eye every time that I hear the opening notes of the Lion King theme. I don't know what it is, but it always happens. It happens during the opening of the Festival of the Lion King show at Disney as well (though this shot is from the finale).
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent
7:00 Mass and Morning Prayer and then a day at my Pastoral assignment. I'll be solo today, my partner blew out his knee on the slopes during spring break. If the schedule is correct, I am leading a communion service at a nursing home and then visiting the home bound.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, getting to view one of God's majestic creatures up close and personal, but behind a thick piece of glass. God's creation is all around us and we can miss it if we take it for granted or are too busy to look (and yes, you will have to see some of my vacation photos).
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, getting to view one of God's majestic creatures up close and personal, but behind a thick piece of glass. God's creation is all around us and we can miss it if we take it for granted or are too busy to look (and yes, you will have to see some of my vacation photos).
Monday, March 11, 2013
Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Back home at the seminary. Sunburned, rested, GI completely clean after a nasty stomach virus put me down for two days, but back home. I play the organ for Morning Prayer today. I'm leader for Morning and Evening Prayer. A full set of three classes. Study and treadmill this afternoon. More study this evening. I see two papers (one big, one smaller), a midterm and another exam in the next 2.5 weeks before the Triduum. There might even be more once we get back to the classes.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, even enduring a nasty GI bug, the required days of rest, due to no energy, can be wonderful. I sat near the quiet pool, read a book, drank my water and just enjoyed the peace and quiet. When I was tired of reading, I watched the families of humans and birds playing in the water. I remember thanking God for this quiet time on my vacation.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, even enduring a nasty GI bug, the required days of rest, due to no energy, can be wonderful. I sat near the quiet pool, read a book, drank my water and just enjoyed the peace and quiet. When I was tired of reading, I watched the families of humans and birds playing in the water. I remember thanking God for this quiet time on my vacation.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Monday of the Third Week of Lent
I'm sitting here on the second floor above the main lobby doing my office and morning prayer. My travel companion was asleep when I left the room. It is not quiet but not too noisy here either.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, sitting in a beautiful place, granted not our chapel, with somebody's leftover wine glasses and doing my morning prayers.
I am counting my blessings...
Like this one, sitting in a beautiful place, granted not our chapel, with somebody's leftover wine glasses and doing my morning prayers.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Saturday of the Second Week of Lent
...continuing a countdown to Spring Break at my favorite vacation spot...
Papers are complete! A full day of classes today and a sudden stop after 11:45 Mass. For those of us without a weekend assignment, Spring Break starts around 12:30. I'll be flying to Orlando tomorrow morning for a week long vacation at Disney World with a friend of mine. I don't expect to be blogging, I'm not taking my computer, but my mobile access may support me if I get inspired.
I am counting my blessings.
Like this one, God gave me a chance to take these 4 years to discern a vocation. It is not often in life that we are given the chance to choose a new path, but I am one of the lucky ones who is blessed with that choice.
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Papers are complete! A full day of classes today and a sudden stop after 11:45 Mass. For those of us without a weekend assignment, Spring Break starts around 12:30. I'll be flying to Orlando tomorrow morning for a week long vacation at Disney World with a friend of mine. I don't expect to be blogging, I'm not taking my computer, but my mobile access may support me if I get inspired.
I am counting my blessings.
Like this one, God gave me a chance to take these 4 years to discern a vocation. It is not often in life that we are given the chance to choose a new path, but I am one of the lucky ones who is blessed with that choice.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Friday of the Second Week of Lent
...continuing a countdown to Spring Break at my favorite vacation spot...
The news on the arm? A ruptured bicep tendon. It seems to sound worse than it is. It is a minor rupture, rest, Aleve and 20 pound weight limit for three weeks. A full day of classes today. Mass at 11:45. Normally, I'd be doing Stations with my brothers at 5:00, but I'm heading back to my home parish tonight to lead Stations there. I turned in 1 paper, 2 more are due on Saturday.
I am counting my blessings.
Like this one, I mentioned that I am learning about artwork. On retreat last fall, the brothers and I noticed this reproduction. It has no title and a scribbled signature. Madonna and Child, yes. But what is with all the war imagery in the background? Several of us have spent hours on the internet looking for a title and specific artist with no luck. I'm calling it War Madonna. It was painted in 1942 by Giovanni. (sorry for the unclear, cell phone image)
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I am counting my blessings.
Like this one, I mentioned that I am learning about artwork. On retreat last fall, the brothers and I noticed this reproduction. It has no title and a scribbled signature. Madonna and Child, yes. But what is with all the war imagery in the background? Several of us have spent hours on the internet looking for a title and specific artist with no luck. I'm calling it War Madonna. It was painted in 1942 by Giovanni. (sorry for the unclear, cell phone image)
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