My summer assignment is at a busy parish. There are myriad opportunities to get involved and I have had to say "no" to some because it is possible to be too busy here. The seminary gives us a list of 30 or so activities that we might want to "try out" over the summer. The goal is that over three summers, we would experience most, if not all, of the activities. In the first week here, I checked off 15 of those activities. As I said, it is a busy parish.
Today was the final Mass for the school as the academic year ends today. I have been told that it gets a bit slower when the school is no longer in session. I will see next week.
Next week also brings the Boston seminarian retreat (three days) and the ordination of six men as priests. We have a representative from Blessed John getting ordained and he has asked me to serve at his ordination. More about those events next time.