Monday, March 28, 2011

I tell my secret

Well, the cat is out of the bag at work.  I told my manager and her manager on Friday.  They both took it very well.  I've asked for a July 29th end date.  Thus far, that seems reasonable to them.  Of course, their management may change that date at any time by asking me to leave. But it does not matter, I'm on a new path.

Now that my management team knows, I've been more open about this at work.  I've been telling former co-workers and folks I know at work.  I've posted it on Facebook and on LinkedIn.  The word is getting out.

My pastor told the entire congregation at the 9:00 Mass on Sunday.  I did not expect to turn as red as I did.  I was humbled by the applause the congregation gave me. 

God is good... All the time...

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I just got a call from the Vocation Director.  I've been accepted for the fall semester.  My letter should be in the mail today or tomorrow.

Praise God!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Blessed John National Seminary

I just completed my admission interviews at Blessed John.  I met with 6 staff members over 2 days.   The admissions board meets this Tuesday.  The letters will go out on Wednesday.  I should have an answer by Friday or Saturday.

Of course, the Rector of the Seminary will also call the Vocations Director on Tuesday or Wednesday.  The Vocation Director may choose to call me and let me know the decision at that time.

In either event, I should have an answer by this coming weekend.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blessed John National Seminary

I've been asked to visit Blessed John for 2 days later this month for my final acceptance interviews.   Your prayers are certainly appreciated.